Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Not a Total Loss

Isn't this a darling bride!

She sent me a cute note last year when I entered my dress design for the shabby apple contest and asked if it would be OK if she used the design as the inspiration for her wedding dress. Of course I said YES!

And then this year when I re-entered the dress, she sent me photos of her in the actual dress inspired by mine, and the big day. I was tickled to say the least.

Aren't they just adorable?

The funny thing is that I have no idea where she is from (she speaks English but I have no clue what language is on the photos...which makes me feel fairly ignorant...$1 to anyone who can tell me!) or even her name! But I am just thrilled that I got to contribute just a tiny bit to her special day.

And you know... Newly-wed blissful love looks the same in any language.

And even if Shabby Apple doesn't love my dress...somebody did.

Don't you want to put on your wedding dress and twirl around for photos now?

I do...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

So...I spoiled the Smock

So do you ever get an idea in your head that you are just sure will work out beautifully? Yeah me too.

I've mentioned that I love using ripstop nylon to make the "Mustn't Spoil Your Frock Smock", but I was trying to come up with a way to jazz it up a bit since it comes mostly in solid colors.

So...I thought creating designs using fabric paint and food as stamps would be perfect! I mean it is a bib after all. Oh I thought I was clever!

So I cut up all my veggies, and admired their pretty shapes.

Then dipped them in paint and tested them out on a piece of paper first.

And they looked...exactly like mustard stains.
Just messy ugly mustard stains. (They looked even worse on the actual fabric).

Oh well... a plain white smock it is, I decided.

And then, my darling little helper (who I really try to get involved in these sorts of projects) who had busied herself with a pair of fabric scissors, announced with a certain amount of pride, "Look mom...I did a patter-en!" And held up her handy work.

She'd sliced clean through the pocket of the smock I'd just sewn!

you win some-- you lose some.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Autumn Walk

We set out the back door and my curious girl led the way....
off to explore the world.

A beautiful day for a walk.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dress Design for Shabby Apple

Dress design for Shabby Apple dresses

Well...Shabby Apple is having their "Dare to Design" competition again this year,

and you know what...
I am resubmitting my entry form last year. Not because I am lazy, but because I really love the dress I made. Maybe they will too this time around?

A little note about the dress...this is a half sized mock up of the actual dress so its unfinished obviously. The slip needs to be pulled up a tad and it needs a zipper and to be hemmed-- and the sewing is far from perfect...but you get the idea. Right?


I love dresses.

I would probably wear one everyday if my obnoxiously long torso didn't prevent them from ever fitting me correctly. I am so inspired watching Mad Man, which takes place in the late 50's and early 60's, and what I love is that women wore dresses that were perfectly tailored and detailed, instead of sloppy knits all the time. I truly watch the show just for the wardrobe. I wish we still dressed that way.

I designed my perfect dress, inspired by Mad Man:

The "Betty Draper Dress"

Here is what my dress design for Shabby Apple Dresses includes:

A pleated bodice that provides substantial structure to help coax a tummy into a more lovely shape, with pleats that open into a ruffle of sorts which nicely frames a delicate feminine collarbone.

Flattering elbow length sleeves--perfect for any season.

Generous pockets, because I firmly believe that all dresses should have pockets! Don't you?

Lovely hour-glass shape with its gathered skirt easing up on the gathers as it approaches the hips in order to provide just the right amount of fullness becoming on a woman's figure.

Full skirt hits just below the knee, and sports a peek-a-boo of colorful lace at the under-skirt slip lining.

Is made of stretch cotton poplin, so it's cool and breathable, and comfortable.

Its structure is one of form, with seams strategically placed to fit oh so well.

Is simple enough in its detailing to provide ample accessorizing a vintage broach perhaps.


(So... I didn't quite get a zipper put in....its not the easiest thing to do on a half-sized form...use your imagination.)


And even if I don't win, I might make one in several colors for myself anyway.

Wouldn't this color combination be nice for Spring?


Ohh...with these heels:
I bought them by the way...and even if I'm not considered again, I am really going to make this dress...after the baby bump is gone of course.

What would your perfect dress look like?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Very Best Kind of News

(these are actually of Avery...around 33 weeks...not 19 like it says)

We had some happy news today. And what good is happy news if you don't share it?

At my 20 week ultrasound we found out that our baby boy had slightly enlarged kidneys, which could have meant a whole multitude of things...ranging from pretty insignificant to fairly devastating. Unfortunately, it was one of those wait and see kind of situations. So we mostly kept the news to sense in worrying everyone since there was nothing to be done about it anyway.

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant and we had a followup ultrasound to recheck his kidneys and we were so happy to find that they are now within the normal range and won't need any further worry.


I think every expectant family wishes for nothing more than all signs pointing to a healthy thriving baby, but I was particularly relieved about this news. In my days as a NICU nurse I had plenty of firsthand experience with the kinds of things our little guy might have to go through (best case--unpleasant testing, worse case-- surgery and lots of other no fun sorts of things, worst case--well we won't go there) after his birth. But it looks like we have been able to dodge all of that.

And we are so grateful.

A healthy baby is such a miracle indeed. And of course you can't anticipate every kind of problem that might arise with an ultrasound, but we are sure happy for this good news today.

The upside of having another ultrasound this late in pregnacy is that we got to have a great look at his cute little chubby cheeks and other parts. I wish I could show them, but we didn't get an electronic copy. I couldn't believe what a detailed and realistic look we got. And how much he looks just like Avery! It's amazing that we were able to see that in an ultrasound. Otherwise, he is growing well...has plenty of amniotic fluid and looks right on track for his age (about 3.5 lbs!).

The ultrasound tech spent an extra long time showing us his face, I am certain because she was so entertained by Avery's reaction. "Oh look! There he is! He's so cute...Look the orange baby (the 4d ultrasound they do looks kind of orange for some reason), oh I see his tiny hands." It was such a fun moment for us all. He really looks like our baby. I remember when Avery was born just having the feeling that I recognized her immediately. I felt like that today too.

We can't wait to meet him.

I hope this day finds you and all of your babies safe and well!

love danielle

Monday, October 11, 2010

Capelet...Sneak Peek

I know I've mentioned that my smock pattern is going to appear in the upcoming "Fabric Extravaganza: One Yard Wonders", but I thought I'd share a little sneak peek of the other pattern of mine that will also be included. Its for a little self-lined toddler capelet, and it just screams brisk fall day to me (which is also what the newly crunchy leaves in my yard are screaming!). I just love the kind of old fashioned charm of clothes like this. I meant to make a little hat of some kind to go along with it...and maybe a hand muff, but oh-- the projects I never get around to.

This book will be kind of like the first book...projects featuring one yard of fabric, but this time with a focus on slightly more advanced projects that utilize a more diverse range of fabrics.

I made this one (this summer while seriously battling pregnancy nausea!) using the fabric that the girls doing the book sent me. Its a buttery soft wool plaid, and drapes just beautifully. It also provided quite the exercise in matching plaids...inside and out!

I have to admit, I was more than a little sad sending it off in the mail.

Little Avery looked quite darling in it, but I have to say that the chances of me getting my act together enough to make her another one in a timely fashion are quite slim.

Look for the book sometime this next summer.

Or if there is any interest I might try to release the pattern in my etsy shop before then?

Happy Monday

Sunday, October 10, 2010



I can hardly believe I took this 2 whole years ago.

I was just looking through some old photos tonight and I wish I could explain all my thoughts and feelings about being a mom, and my baby girl, and my baby boy who we get to meet so soon!

but I just can't.

Life is so good.

And I sure love my babies.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Christmas Yarn Decorations

There are so many forms available to wrap yarn around! I found these cones right next to the foam balls at the craft store. I may just make a whole forest of these as a centerpiece?

And since you'll certainly have a few yards of yarn leftover, why not tie up a few Christmas gifts? (Yes! I am already thinking about how I want to wrap Christmas presents...its the funnest part!) Spray starch a doily and tuck it in for some added frill.

And the best part is... yarn+glue= fun for little hands.

Are you dreaming of Christmas yet?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Prudent Baby Guest

Oooh. I almost forgot to mention, I am guest posting at Prudent Baby Today! You've seen my tutorial before, but click on over and you could win some pretty Alexander Henry fabric. Yum.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Christmas Yarn Ornaments

Um...I realize it's just the beginning of October, but we happen to have a baby due to arrive just 4 days before Christmas this year so I am trying to get a little jump-start on Christmas activities. I's true that I have about 5,000 things that are probably a little more pressing than Christmas crafts, but sometimes you just need to play with yarn.

I love yarn! Problem is I am not great at crocheting and even worse knitting. But since we've been doing this house remodel I have been envisioning our December with snow on the ground, and our little family warm inside with with nubby, fuzzy, soft yarn sprinkled here and there.

Fingers crossed our fireplace is finished by then!

For now, here is a yarn wrapped Christmas ornament that I made. I realized last year that with a curious 2-year-old running around, anything on the bottom 3 feet of the tree better be indestructible and safe for little hands. These fuzzy yarn ornaments are perfect! Avery is already toting them around the house.


To make, you will need: yarn (any kind will do, but thicker yarn will make for quicker work), foam balls (or if you have some old ornaments you're not so fond of anymore, you could easily re-purpose them instead), tacky glue, wire ornament hangers (2 for each ball you make), and scissors.


Take one wire ornament hanger, straighten it, and then bend it into a "v" shape


Next, push it into the foam ball and cover the top half-ish of the ball with glue (don't be shy with the glue), making sure to glue around wire.


Place the end of the yarn in between the wire.


Then start wrapping around the wire.


...and keep wrapping, ensuring the yarn is adhering to the glue (Don't worry if a little glue seeps will dry clear),


until you get about halfway down.


Then flip 'er upside down and holding the wire, and cover the rest of the ball with glue,


and keep wrapping!


When you get near the end, cut your yarn leaving a little tail, and then poke the tail straight down into the glue so that end of yarn is secure.


That's it! Use your other ornament hook to hang from the tree.


And once you start wrapping yarn around things it might be hard to stop...
it was for me.

More yarn ideas tomorrow!
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