
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baby Blues (and greens)

So I had this whole weepy post about postpartum depression, the miracle of bringing life into the world, and the importance (to me) of carving out a little time to meditate on that and soak it in (the miracle!) fully.

But I just couldn't get it to come out right. Because you know--hormones have jumbled up my brain.

So I will just say that I didn't get enough of the little nesting rituals before sweet Oliver was born. I was too busy trying to get the house finished (and by that I mean livable, not finished). And after he was born I grieved missing out on that time.

You know--time spent readying his room, putting away his things, or sewing tiny clothes or a quilt for him.

I knew that it didn't matter to him. All he would really need was a warm spot next to me in bed, and the love and comfort we would provide.

But it turns out, those little rituals...they matter to me.

Because, for me, making a baby quilt isn't really about the baby ending up with a quilt. It's about fully realizing and experiencing the wonderful and sacred process I am partaking in. It's about being fully present in that moment. A new life is about to join us. A life that we have considered and prepared for.

The making just provides an outlet for my hands, while I quiet my brain and ponder just those things for an hour or two each day. It's a celebration. A little bit of fuss.

And though he may not need it, he deserves it no less.

So two weeks after his birth, I swaddled him close, and took him to the fabric store. I cooed and cuddled him while choosing shades of green and blue for his quilt.

He may be a teenager before its finished. But that doesn't matter. For a few minutes here and there each day I will stitch. And while I stitch I will think about how lucky I am to be his mother, and how grateful I am that he is in our lives.

And in the end he will have something made with my hands that will wrap him physically in my love.

And will hopefully let him know,

that he is celebrated.

PS. In case you are wondering... zigzag quilt inspiration here (I can only hope mine turns out as cute!) and tutorial here.


  1. i know how you feel. with 7 days notice about lucy i felt frantic and unprepared. i wished i could have had a little more time preparing for her arrival, but i didn't. now i just try to remind myself that she has us now, and that's eternally more then she would have had.

    and her quilt might not get done until she's a teenage either. we really should have a quilt night. stay up later, chat, quilt... should we plan it? then maybe our toddlers can wrap up in their quilts...

  2. i'm secretly glad you're not done with yours cause mine is taking forever and i don't even have two kids to contend with. it's going to be SO pretty though, i can't wait to see it.

  3. i'm working on a blue/turquoise/green quilt too! mine has charcoal instead of white, though, and is slated to be a picnic blanket. but it WOULD go perfectly in my son's room...i actually debated changing it to a quilt for him instead. mind meld once again!! ;)

  4. that is going to be beatiful. oliver is lucky to have a mommy who even tries to make such a gift ... never mind if it ever gets finished:) your floors are gorgeous! i'm pretty sure when the day comes for me to build i would just like you to do it for me.

  5. Sweet post honey. That baby is seriously gorgeous.OX, Mom

  6. So sweet (the baby, and his mama and the blanket).

    I want to come sit under your apple tree and sing songs with you.


  7. I have this tutorial pinned...but you are a few steps closer than have fabric and it's cut!

    It's going to be lovely!
