Friday, March 28, 2008

Like father like daughter

I've noticed that Trav sleeps this way most of the time,
and in almost every single ultrasound picture we have of our baby...she is doing the same thing. Too funny.

(he was pretty mad at me when the flash went off this morning at 6 am)

And just for's me this morning, wet hair and all. 35 Weeks today!

(I have to take pictures of myself because Trav has been working pretty late these days)


  1. That is too funny. Can I just say I love your blog! It always makes me happy. And you look way too good to be so close!

  2. That is a cute belly! What is it about pregnant bellies anyway? I love them all. And the photo of trav and the girl are so precious. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 35 weeks! Wow! You're almost done! and you look sensational!

    and the father/daughter thing...pretty cute!

  5. Cute! You have a perfectly shaped belly! You are how every woman wishes her belly looked when pregnant.


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