Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Trav

(Birthday Boy)

It's hard to know what to get you...
so I dug this giant hole to plant our new maple tree so you don't have to.

You're welcome;)

Wish him a Happy Birthday here.


  1. i got into fb just to tell him happy birthday! and that is one manly picture up top. wish i was there so i could take the kids for the night! love you both!

  2. Happy Birthday Travis! And kudos for wearing safety-glasses when using power equipment.

  3. Happy Birthday Trav!

    I was thinking the same thing as eyecon - hooray for safety gear!

    Wish I could give you a big hug and kiss today. I can hardly believe that you are all grown up. Seriously, weren't you just a baby in my arms? (I know I always say that, but it is true.)


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